Friday, June 24, 2005

Tiffany must be pissed

For the third time in four shows, the act that went last on Hit Me Baby 1 More Time was voted through to the finals. To be fair, though Thelma Houston probably was the best of the five last night. Glass Tiger, Club Nouveau and Greg Kihn were all mediocre at best, and Billy Vera turned in a really unfortunate cover of Jesse McCartney's "True" that negated a solid piano-only version of "At This Moment."

Listed as performing but not actually appearing were the Baha Men. Apparently, the dogs just wanted to stay on the couch.

The best part of the show, though, was the wife and I mocking the host's accent. Got to keep entertained somehow.


Allyson said...

What is the deal with the host's accent? Is it completely fake? I am guessing he's from Nebraska or something, and the producers decided he'd be much cooler with a fake accent. It seemed to go back and forth between British, Scottish and Australian.

This past week was the first time I'd watched the show, and it's not bad. Entertaining enough, but the way they chop the songs is less than appealing to me -- too many repetitions of the chorus and not enough verses.

Mark said...

The host is from the northern part of England, which would explain why he doesn't sound particularly English or Scottish. The accent may be further screwed up from his being a TV/radio personality. I can't imagine his current accent is more neutral, but who knows?

I didn't think I'd find a show that cut up songs worse than AI. Clearly, I was mistaken.