Thursday, June 09, 2005

Ashton Kutcher + "social experiment" = Egads

Yahoo! had a link yesterday that actually used the phrase "social experiment" to tout Beauty and the Geek. I'm not sure which is worse, the Ubermensch vibe to such a statement or that something so full of fluff counts as an experiment. It would, however, explain how the whole Vioxx situation happened.

Anyway, second episode on last night. Women had to do car stuff (check oil, change tire, etc.), guys had to learn massage. Both groups did reasonably well at their assignments, and once again the same pair won both contests. The two couples they sent to the Elimination Room had the beauty and the geek who hooked up on them, meaning that one part of the pair was going home.

This elicited some strange dialog from the woman, as she made it sound like she was never going to see the guy again. Which makes me think that:

a. Once out of the house, she'll go back to dating hot guys, even though they've not treated her well in the past, or

b. Once her boy toy is out of the house, she's going to look for more geek lovin', or

c. She doesn't know of the telephones of which we speak, where one person can contact another even though they're not in the same room, or

d. She didn't read the rule and thinks that the losing couple is banished or executed or something.

In any case, she'll have plenty of time to ponder this as it was her couple that lost the elimination round. Part of the problem was that her geek didn't know what a loofah is, making this the second-most famous case of sponge illiteracy (paragraph 78).

And at the end, we had the losing beauty and geek talk about how people in the other group aren't just beauties or geeks, that there's more to them as people. Which, for the self-absorbed or socially demented is the sort of epiphany that comes a good decade too late.

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