Thursday, June 30, 2005


Looks like one of the 250 or so new unscripted series for this summer may never see air. ABC has pulled Welcome to the Neighborhood based on complaints that the show gave a little too much space to discrimination based on race and sexual orientation.

The premise of the show was that three different families in Austin, Texas would get to choose their new neighbors. The families vying for that honor come from a variety of backgrounds (including a large Hispanic family, two men with an adopted African-American son, and a couple that met at a Wiccan ceremony), which apparently didn't always sit well with the generally white and conservative families making the selection. Later episodes supposedly showed that the families would grow to accept these differences, but the concern was that in the weeks leading up to that, discriminatory content would be out there unrepudiated.

There was also concern from conservative and religious groups that the show would suggest that people who fall into those groups tend towards discrimination. Kudos to ABC for managing to offend everyone!

No word on if they'll rework the show and bring it back later, though I have to think they will. They've advertised it enough to make never showing it a complete waste of time and money.

1 comment:

James said...

They could show it on ABC Family in yet another attempt to rid themselves of its contract with Pat Robertson to air *700 Club* 3-4 times a day.