Thursday, May 24, 2007

Water Cooler Talking Points: Lost

1. BOOM! - the surprise plan against the Others only partially works, as Jin misses his target. Sayid, Bernard, and Jin are captured, and the Other in charge threatens to kill Jin unless someone fills the Others in. Bernard cracks, and tells them that Juliet and Carl had tipped them off, and that the main group is headed towards the radio tower. They radio to Ben, who upon learning all of this decides to cut off the castaways before they can reach the radio tower and send their distress signal. He takes Alex along, planning to cast her away with the others for her role in sending Carl as a warning.

2. Down the hatch - Charlie is getting slapped around and interrogated by the women in the Looking Glass, as they try to figure out what he's doing. He pretty much tells them, and as they argue in private Desmond come up through the moon pool, chased away from the canoe by Mikhail, who is shooting at him. Mikhail, for his part, is there to check on the situation, and is ordered by Ben to kill everyone. He only gets partway through when Desmond comes out of hiding and shoots a spear into his chest.

3. Meet you at the tower - Ben does cut the group off, and tries to convince Jack that he has to confiscate the satellite phone because everyone will die if Jack allows the rescue to happen. Jack says no, and Ben orders the deaths of Jin, Sayid, and Bernard. We hear three shots on the walkie. Jack beats the crap out of Ben, and goes back to the group.

4. Now I want a Sunkist - before Bonnie (one of the Looking Glass ladies) dies, she tells Charlie that the code to disable the jammer is set to the tune of "Good Vibrations" by the Beach Boys. Good thing he's a musician. He punches in the code while Desmond gathers diving equipment. Charlie is successful, and immediately a transmission comes in - from Penny! She learns that Desmond is there, even though Charlie doesn't know where they are. He does learn that the boat that Naomi came in on wasn't sent by Penny. That's about all they have time for, as Mikhail (who escaped through the moon pool) shows up at the porthole with a grenade. He blows the porthole open, and water rushes in. Charlie seals himself in the room, saving Desmond but killing himself - but not before he writes a warning on his hand that the boat isn't Penny's.

5. Back to the beach - Upon the failure of the beach surprise, Kate wants to go back to save their friends. She asks Sawyer to join her, but he passes and tells her not to go. Surprisingly, not soon after he tells Jack he's going back. Kate is annoyed, and then moreso when Juliet joins him. She says she can get guns from a cache on the way. She kisses Jack before leaving; Jack will shortly afterwards say that he didn't let Kate join them because he loves her. Nice mixed signals! Anyway, Hurley tries to join Sawyer and Juliet, but is rebuffed due to his size. Not to be dismissed, Hurley actually saves everyone by using the Dharma van he found to storm the beach and run over the Others. Good thing, too, as Juliet was lying about the guns.

6. We're saved? - Once Charlie shuts down the jammer, Naomi gets a signal on the phone. She dials, but doesn't get to do much else before she dies - from a knife thrown into her back by Locke! (Earlier, while in the pit, he finds a gun with which he's going to kill himself, given his wound and the returned paralysis in his legs. Before he can do that, he sees Walt(!), who tells John that he can't kill himself, as he has work to do.) Locke tells Jack pretty much the same thing that Ben said, but Jack isn't buying it. Someone finally picks up, confirms that they can lock in on the phone's signal, and rescue them all. Well, except for Locke, who slinks off into the woods, and Rousseau, who had said earlier that she wasn't leaving.

7. Flash-what? - throughout the episode we get flashbacks of Jack, who is bearded and rapidly falling apart. His descent begins (appropriately) when he's flying into LA on an Oceanic flight, and when given a newspaper instead of another drink, he learns that someone has died. He takes the news badly, and plans to jump from a bridge - but he winds up saving a woman and her son from a burning car wreck (which he kind of caused). We watch Jack get worse up to his going to the funeral for our unnamed corpse, and it turns out Jack was the only mourner. After several aborted calls during the flashes he finally talks to the person he wants, and sets up a meeting at the airport. Turns out he was calling Kate - and that the flashbacks are actually flash-forwards! Jack tells Kate that he's been using the free flights Oceanic gave the survivors, going to Asia or Australia every weekend in the hopes that the plane will crash and he'll get back to the island. He's now firmly on board with the idea that they weren't meant to leave when they did. She's less impressed, and tells Jack to move on. She then says she has to get back, as someone is expecting her. Not sure who that is, or who the dead person is (though Jack was surprised that Kate didn't go to the funeral, so it's clearly an island person).

I have to imagine that this is going to be a very different show when it comes back in January.

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