Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Water Cooler Talking Points: House

1. Now we know how House can get some action with Cuddy - the differential of this week's case is interrupted when Cuddy comes down to have Foreman sign resignation-related paperwork. She makes some perfunctory comments about him being sure, he says he is, and she gives him a hug and wishes him luck. Foreman then announce his departure to Chase and Cameron; Cam wants to know why, while Chase plows ahead with the case. No wonder Foreman would later tell Chase that he never liked him. House, for his part, doesn't try to talk Foreman out of it, spending most of the episode goading him. Cuddy tries again later, while Chase believes that both Foreman and House are ashamed of the resignation.

2. Oh yeah, the patient - is a college-aged woman who starts coughing up blood during some martial arts, even though she wasn't touched. There's lots of give and take about this being an infection (House's first call) or something else. After she seizes and has her scalp tear open during a MRI, House diagnoses an extremely rare protein deficiency.

3. A needle in the eye - various tests and treatments (including the collection of cells from inside the eye, which was gross to watch) don't prove House's theory... until Cameron comes sneaking into his apartment to tell him she's progressed as expected for someone with the deficiency. The patient, Addie, is going to die. That is until House realizes that Addie actually tried to kill herself by ingesting drain cleaner, which caused esophageal bleeding that, when healing, left scar tissue that created a bridge between the patient's intestines and blood stream. An operation fixes this, but House breaks a promise to Addie by telling her parents how she got sick.

4. Wait, how did he figure that out? - it all goes back to the plot line whereby Wilson and House dose each other's coffee with anti-depressants and amphetamines, respectively. Wilson does this to make House feel better, while House adds speed to Wilson's joe to help diagnose Wilson's yawning (a side effect of anti-depressants). House twigs on to the dosing when he is smiling while telling Addie she's going to die; in confronting Wilson, House makes the leap to Addie never being happy and trying to kill herself. It made more sense in viewing, sort of.

5. House would like more clinic duty like this - a couple comes in because the guy's poop is floating. Both are vegans, and his stool should be sinking. House diagnoses that the guy is sneaking meat on the side. He confesses this to his girlfriend, Honey (played by Piper Perabo), who is a nutritionist (which apparently is how she knows about fecal buoyancy). House gets her personal info by having her apply for a job at PPTH. They meet later at a bar, and she quickly figures out House's interest isn't work-related. He lists the litany of his lesser traits, but she seems less freaked out by a misanthropic drug-loving meat-eating doctor than you'd expect a vegan nutritionist to be. God Bless Sweeps.

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