Thursday, May 03, 2007

Water Cooler Talking Points - Lost

1. Locke's week at camp - the flashbacks this week cover the time that Locke spent with the others after discovering that his father was on the island. For most of the week they were camped out on the island, and while talking to some of the Others, Locke learns that they were waiting for him, believing that there's something special about him given his being able to walk.

2. Ghost stories apparently not enough - to 'officially' become part of the group, though, Ben says that Locke must make a gesture of free will by killing his dad. Locke is unable to do so, getting more grief from his dad and feeling generally ashamed about the whole thing. Locke later learns from an Other named Richard that this was on purpose, as Ben wanted to make Locke look bad in order to downplay Locke's special nature and keep Ben as the leader. Richard has a suggestion for someone who could kill Locke's dad.

3. Getting someone else to do your homework - shortly after talking with Richard, the Others break camp. Ben says that Locke can't join them unless he brings along the corpse of his dad. Thus Locke hatches his plan, using Richard's suggested killer - Sawyer. Locke returns to the beach to get Sawyer, saying he has kidnapped Ben and wants Sawyer to kill him. They go to the Black Rock, where Locke says Ben is in the brig. He lets Sawyer in, and locks him in not with Ben, but with Locke's dad. Turns out that Locke's dad is the con man who, years ago, took money from Sawyer's parents, leading to their deaths. Locke's dad doesn't feel remorse at this, and reveals his belief that they're all in Hell, based on the discovery of the Oceanic 815 wreckage mentioned last episode. Locke's dad manages to goad Sawyer enough that he strangles Locke's dad to death.

4. Movin' on - after the killing, Locke tells Sawyer to go back to the beach and warn the camp that Juliet is a mole, and that the Others will be coming to kidnap pregnant women. Saywer notes that he's been saying she's a mole, but no one believes him. Locke then produces the recording Juliet left for Ben after she examined Sun (which Locke learned of early in the Others' campout), which Sawyer can use as proof. After Sawyer leaves, Locke goes to pick up the Others' trail, dead dad slung over his shoulder.

5. Meanwhile, back on the beach - Desmond, Hurley, Charlie, and Jin have Naomi (the parachutist) hidden in Hurley's tent. There's some argument about getting Jack to look at her, but Desmond argues that he can't be trusted given his relationship with Juliet. They then turn to Sayid, who questions Naomi, and seems pretty skeptical about her story - that her company was hired by Penny Widmore to check certain coordinates, and that she took off from a ship 80 miles west of the island - until she produces her radio. Sayid gets it working, but can't find a signal. It's at that point that Kate comes across Sayid, and she learns about all of this. Instead of keeping it a secret, she goes and tells Jack (and Juliet, at Jack's insistence). Apparently there's something Juliet wants to tell Kate and the other beach folk, but Jack says they aren't ready. For what, we're not told.

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