Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Suburbia has never been so dangerous

Consider that, in the first two episodes of Desperate Housewives, we've seen:

* Bree manhandle her husband's corpse to change the tie he'd wear into the hereafter.
* Bree slap her mother-in-law to snap her out of a crying jag.
* Zach hold a gun on Susan and Mike.
* Susan attack Zach to get the gun.
* Bongo (Mike's dog) attack Susan when she's holding the gun on Zach.
* Susan firing the gun, hitting a neighbor's bottle of hooch (thereby getting the woman to kick the habit, so there's that).
* Susan getting a split lip from the tussle over the gun.
* Susan "accidentally" backing her car over Edie.
* Tom using several blows from a shovel to dispatch a rat Lynette had planted to get Tom to clean the house (OK, we didn't actually see this, but the description was pretty bad).
* Carlos getting beaten up in jail because Gaby talked Carlos' cellmate's girlfriend out of a boob job.
* Betty and her son have a guy chained to pipes or something in their basement.

Do you get the sense that the Hellmouth has moved from Sunnydale to Wisteria Lane?

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