Thursday, April 28, 2011

Not Shocking

As much as I was disappointed to see Casey Abrams get the book on American Idol, it wasn't surprising. This is about the time where a talented but not Top 40 enough contestant might bow out (think Jennifer Hudson or Chris Daughtry), and Casey's jazz-inflected stylings fit that bill perfectly. I do look forward to seeing what he comes up with for his first album, which he will hopefully have a fair amount of control over.

As far as what this means for who will win, we're on quite the run of pleasant mediocrities taking the title, so I suppose this paves the way for Scotty, Lauren or Haley, all of whom are likable enough but not that exciting. I am holding out hope for James Durbin, but he may be too close to Daughtry territory to hang on. I have almost no hope for Jacob Lusk, who has reigned himself in too much for my taste. He needs to unleash his inner diva again.

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