Sunday, December 25, 2005

Deal Me In

Finally saw an episode of Deal or No Deal, and I have to say I enjoyed it. The premise is simple, the psychology behind it twisted at times, and it was fun to watch. Howie Mandel makes a good host (even if he looks like Dr. Evil's hipster younger brother), balancing the usual genial host role with playing on the fear and greed of the contestants. I was less amused with the last player on Friday, as it seemed a bit staged to have both a gift from her husband on hand and a chance to call him. Did they do this with other contestants?

I do fear over-exposure, as we're getting another run of the show this week (which I don't think was originally planned). Hopefully, they'll put the thing on ice until Feburary sweeps after the second week is over.

1 comment:

James said...

Actually, the episodes airing on CNBC this week are the same five episodes that aired on NBC last week. CNBC has done the same with some of NBC's reality shows in the past (primarily *Apprentice Trump* and *Apprentice Martha*).

Didn't like the show at first, but I warmed up to it as the days went by. Biggest problem with the show, IMO, is the overdubbing. Producers need to prep Mandel a little better the second time around.

I could see this show succeed as a syndicated daytime program, with one contestant a day and a top prize of $100,000.