Tuesday, September 27, 2005

You Can All Stop Yelling At Me Now

After a couple of seasons being harangued by just about anyone who watches TV, I finally took the time to watch an episode of Arrested Development last night.

It's... unusual.

Which isn't to say that I didn't like it - I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. It's just different. Different enough that I can fully understand why it's not appealing to a mass audience - the comedy is less broad and more... I don't know. Esoteric? Absurd?

I also wonder if the learning curve for joining into the show is too steep. While I think I've got the basics sorted out, I know that I'm missing a lot, too, and for someone who may already be on the fence with the show, they may not want to stick around (or get the DVDs) to catch up.

Though I think I'll return. It's not like there's much else on that appeals to me.

I also stuck around to see Kitchen Confidential, which even in a sanitized form (compared to the book) is a decent way to kill a half hour. I'll be interested to see how this develops.

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