Thursday, August 11, 2005

TV You Have to Develop a Taste For

The new FX show Starved will not be for everyone. Heck, I don't even know if it's for me.

I caught the second episode, and while this means I've missed out on the first episode's character building and exposition, it wasn't too hard to figure things out. There seem to be four people with eating disorders whose lives we get to follow both in and out of treatment sessions.

The second episode focuses mostly on the main character's relationship with his colonic irrigation therapist, with unfortunate (though visually entertaining in a frat boy-joke kind of way) results. We also got to see his friends deal with a domination fantasy, continued bulimia, and a combo of anorexia survival, family issues, and alcohol.

We're not exactly dealing with escapist fantasy here. But if you think you find entertainment in the dark humor coming from some very screwed up lives, Starved may work for you.

1 comment:

The Grim Reaper said...

I liked the first couple episodes of Starved, last night's was a bit much. We seem to be mining more dark, less humor. Although it is nice to see Out of This World's Evie get work.

Always Sunny pretty much blows. Hey, let's do something edgy like open the bar to underage kids or prove that we like black people and ham-handedly take it to the nth degree.

Fx needs to stick to drama, as Rescue Me and Over There are quite good.
