Monday, August 08, 2005

Off Air

It's been a pretty fallow period for TV watching, as many of the shows I started the summer with are done, and I've not been able to catch up with new shows, almost all of them on FX. I have several episodes of Over There on tape and need to watch them, while I missed the premiere of Starved and wonder if I'l try to squeeze it in. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia looks mildly interesting, but if I can't bother for Starved I don't think I'll be keeping up with the show that follows it.

I was a little mystified by last week's House, given the sudden appearance of Chi McBride's character and the talk between House and Cameron about feelings. I understand that you have to skip episodes over the summer given the shorter time span (which makes me wonder what I'll miss on Lost), but this seems a little abrupt.

That's all for now, or at least until I get a little me time with the VCR.

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