Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Three Up, Three Down: Mad Men, "Field Trip"

Three Up

1. Don Draper. It's not all sunshine for Don, as a trip to California to buck up Megan (at the behest of her agent) goes completely sideways when he tells her the truth about work. The ensuing fight, however, clarifies for Don that he needs to get back in the game, so he gets an offer from a competing firm that leads to a return to SC&P, albeit under strict conditions (including reporting to Lou, which I thought my be a deal breaker). While this may not be the best thing for him in the long run, in the now Don is back where he identifies with what it is to be Don Draper. That's probably going to have to be enough for the time being.

2. Peggy Olsen. Still chafing under Lou's cardigan-wearing tyranny, now notable for his lack of push to get anyone nominated for Clios, she seems to react positively to Don's return, but manages to burn him later by saying he's not been missed (a sentiment not fully shared by the rest of creative, though Rizzo is on the fence). Not sure how she'll react to Don's return, but she's likely gained an ally that she's not had in the office, well, ever.

3. Harry Crane. Harry has to respond to a client's question about computer-driven market data and replies with how SC&P is just as good - if not better - in that department. Of course it's all lies, as the firm has to farm out their computer needs to someone else. His prevarication does get Cutler to call Harry the most dishonest person he's met, but it does show Harry in a more competent light as he was able to talk the client down and then impress upon a partner the importance of supporting the media division. Sadly for Harry, Cutler uses the computer as an argument against bringing Don back. Roger also make an off the cuff statement that Harry is gone, so maybe this isn't going to go so well for him as first thought.

Honorable Mention: Francine Hanson. Francine is back! She's working at a travel agency three days a week now, and stories of the office are just the thing to get Betty worked up about what she's doing with her life. Francine should show up to sow the seeds of discord more often.

Three Down

1. Betty Francis. So in response to her coffee date with Francine, Betty decides to chaperone a field trip that Bobby's class is taking to a farm. And Betty does well for a while, making small talk with Bobby on the bus, connecting with another chaperone, and even tasting milk fresh from the cow. Things go south when Bobby trades her sandwich for some gumdrops. I mean, Bobby may have thought she wasn't going to eat (having flashbacks to fat Betty, I suppose), but it's still a stupid thing to do. What's stupider, though, is Betty forcing Bobby to eat the gumdrops while she sits there and smokes disapprovingly. Her snit lasts the rest of the day, and pretty clearly crushes Bobby. In a conversation with Henry later she asks why the children hate her, and when Henry deflects by pointing out Gene is sleeping in her arms she just says it's a matter of time. Good that she recognizes the problem, I suppose, but it'd be helpful if she actually tried to do something about it.

2. Megan Draper. The return to constant rejection is not sitting well with Megan, who took to arranging an "accidental" meeting with a casting director so she could plead to redo a reading for a part. Her agent is concerned and calls Don to see if he can calm her down. This leads to a surprise trip to LA and the talk that may have ended their marriage. A later phone call may have repaired some of the damage, but Megan's trust in Don is pretty severely broken. That he's now going back to work in New York rather than moving out to LA as originally promised isn't going to help.

3. Lou Avery. We'd already seen the new depths that Lou could go to before Don showed up at the office and ran into him, putting Lou in panic mode. He angrily reminds Cutler about his contract and gets to chew out the creative staff for talking to Don. Which should make for a very comfortable work environment now that Don is back. I can't believe that Lou thinks he can actually supervise Don, but he's just egotistical enough that it could be the case. I'm looking forward to seeing how Don tortures Lou.

Honorable Mention: Gumdrops. Few things have looked less appetizing than when Bobby started to choke down those gumdrops. Tough enough market for a legacy candy, but throw that in and what chance is there of a comeback?

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