Sunday, February 19, 2012

Real Housewives of Lima, Ohio

I don't watch any of the Real Housewives shows on Bravo - I have no interest and figure they're about as real as Desperate Housewives - and generally dislike it when one of the women on the show crosses over into the mainstream for some reason.

But I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised at NeNe Leakes' turn as McKinley High synchronized swimming coach Roz Washington. It's wasn't the most nuanced performance - she basically yelled all of her lines at Sam Evans in one go - but it seemed to fit the character. I think in very limited doses, she could become a fun part of the show.

That being said, how does McKinley afford a synchronized swim team? Shouldn't they take that money and put it towards hiring teachers who, I don't know, teach? Or maybe an assistant principal who can roam the halls and take down slushy assailants? I know making a list of the improbable goings-on on Glee could be a full-time job, but this one's been sticking in my head for a while.

(That and the fact that Rachel and Kurt only seemed to know about NYADA when Emma told them about it. In what universe do two hyper-motivated Broadway wannabes not know about this school? It's almost as unbelievable as Rachel not knowing Cats had wrapped.)

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