Tuesday, August 29, 2006


The Emmys were handed out last Sunday, and my viewing ended when Conan O'Brien's Billy Crystalesque romp through current TV shows ended. I actually watched more day-after coverage on Inside Hollywood than actual awards show (not sure how I got stuck watching that much Inside Hollywood, either).

In any case, I went back and checked out my Emmy wish list and found that not a single choice I made actually won an award. If this were keno, I think I'd win something. Not that my choices were particularly scientific, but you'd think I'd blunder into one win.

Wasn't surprised that The Office won, but was suprised that 24 did. I do like the show, but I'm not convinced it's the best drama on TV (looking back, it was the lone nominee I didn't mention when I was talking up House). As for the major individual awards, meh. Tony Shalhoub is the new David Hyde Pierce, apparently.

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