Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I have a life?

Precious little from TV to mention, as I spent the vast majority of the weekend doing things other than burning my retinas. I will note, though, that I think I stayed at a hotel with the worst TV system ever. Showtime instead of HBO and MSG instead of ESPN? Why?

I won't even go into the movie ordering process, which involves the TV, a card reader, and the phone. Not that we ordered any; I just thought it was oddly complex.

I did see about a minute and a half of MTV's Live 8 coverage, and while I didn't think it was possible, it does appear that the channel's current crop of hosts has even fewer skills with regards to covering live events than past presenters. They should have just let the concert footage roll without comment.

Coming in a close second in the incompetency department was the female co-host whose name I didn't catch on the CBS coverage of Boston's fireworks. Harry Smith was fine, but she was trying a little too hard to generate excitement. She'd have fit in well with those Wheel of Fortune contestants who yell "woo hoo!" every time they find a letter on the board. The broadcast was also a little odd in their choice of music to play over the fireworks. I know the "whatever" concept is popular, but when you segue from Aerosmith to Selena to Creed something has gone horribly wrong.


James said...

Given that you're in south Jersey, MSG is a bit of a surprise. Comcast SportsNet Philly should have been the option -- depends on where in Jersey you were (there is a NY fandom-Philly fandom line somewhere in Jersey -- forget where).

Mark said...

Adding insult to injury, the channel guide still listed MSG as ESPN. Come to think of it, the sports bar in the hotel lobby had ESPN.

We were clearly in Philly territory, which does make the MSG thing more vexing.