Sunday, May 03, 2015

Three Up, Three Down: Mad Men, "Lost Horizon"

Three Up
1. Pete Campbell. We see very little of Pete in this episode, but it seems clear that Pete is the one SC&P partner who is really fitting in at McCann (Ted seems OK too, but maybe not to the same level as Pete). He kind of wins by default given how things go for everyone else.

2.  Peggy Olson. She's having a rough start at McCann, as her office isn't ready and her boxes get sent back to SC&P. She keeps working at the old office, and discovers that Roger is still hanging around. They spend the second half of the episode getting drunk, but they do talk enough that Peggy, when she finally shows up at McCann, comes in with confidence.

3. Betty Francis. Also a short appearance, but kind of a sweet one with Don involving Sally and Betty's return to school. She's doing what she says she's always wanted to do, and Don is genuinely happy for her.

Honorable Mention: Roger Sterling. He's still processing the move and his role in it, but his drinking with Peggy helps him to see how the move might just be the kick in the pants he needs. Not sure he'll fit in at McCann, but he does help Joan make an important decision.

Three Down

1. Joan Harris. Things are going just as expected for Joan at McCann. No one takes her seriously, and she's unlikely to get any more accounts than those she brought over. She's also being saddled with a McCann exec, who more or less expect that she's going to be arm candy - or more. This leads to a tense meeting with Jim Hobart, who offers Joan half of what she's due to disappear. She threatens a lawsuit involving the EEOC and ACLU, but eventually takes the deal. She's equal parts furious, embarrassed and sad, but in the long run this may be the best for her. Especially if this frees her up to finally be happy in her personal life.

2. Don Draper. Don appears to be settling in reasonably well, and Jim Hobart is clearly smitten. Accounts are lining up for Don, including a return to Hilton and a new account with Miller beer that McCann more or less got specifically for Don. But he's clearly not all the way there, and when the first Miller meeting mentions Wisconsin, Don thinks of Diana and how she's apparently returned home. This leads Don to leave the meeting and, eventually, drive to Racine to find her. He doesn't, but does meet her ex-husband, who wants nothing to do with Diana or Don. Don is now fully adrift, and has apparently decided to keep going westward.

3. Jim Hobart. He's landed his "white whale" in Don, but his happiness in finally bringing SC&P in is short-lived. Don goes AWOL, Joan threatens a lawsuit which leads to a buyout, and Roger, when he finally shows up, is less of an ally than expected. Maybe Jim should have stayed in the Bahamas.

Honorable Mention: Ferg Donnelly. No happy fun time with Joan in Atlanta. Which is possibly a good thing for him, as Joan's new man would likely have him disappeared by one of those guys he occasionally calls.

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