I'll admit to not watching late night talk shows much anymore - I'm old, lame, have to commute, got a kid, etc. - but I did want to see how Conan O'Brien would do on his new show, which debuted last night on TBS. And I have to say I enjoyed it.
There was a good energy to the show, perhaps almost manic at times. Things moved along briskly, most notably (to me at least) the guests. Getting focus in a late night interview is often besides the point, but it seemed like people just got into the chair and Conan whipped them through their stories. Don't know if this was due to having more intro material on the first night, longer commercial breaks (TBS was probably earning a premium) or by having Jack White play (with Conan sitting in) and do a quick spot on the couch.
But I'm not really complaining, as the mood was good and the jokes funny. Having Andy Richter back helps, too, as he adds both in his repartee with Conan and in his own asides, which are easy to miss if you're not listening for him. Conan also noted during his monologue that there's no separation between himself and the audience, which I think helped his energy as he did interact with a couple of audience members, albeit quickly.
All in all, I'm looking forward to watching tomorrow's show. Now I just have to keep myself from falling asleep on the couch.
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