Finally saw the episode of America's Next Top Model where Danielle goes back to the dentist to get her gap closed. It didn't get closed all the way, so it kind of worked out for Danielle. She still has a bit of a gap, but now the judges can't harp on the gap as why she can't be a top model. Instead, they're harping on the way she talks. Which is somewhat understandable, but also unfair. I don't think you can expect someone to change the way they talk at the drop of a hat.
Also unfair is that they've now sent Nnenna and Furonda home while keeping Jade around. I assume that's for TV purposes, but she's pretty much worn out her welcome. There are only so many weeks in a row you can see someone that conceited proclaim their humility before you hope they get hit by a bus. Or, as they're in Thailand now, stepped on by an elephant (sadly, the photo shoot involving elephants did not result in this).
Somewhat related, is it me or do all of the "My Life as a Cover Girl" spots involve Nicole's time at Fashion Week? Wasn't that a while ago? I suppose it's better than when Naima went to that Walgreens.
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