1. To the three people who probably check this site on any basis, as I've been very neglectful towards posting anything. I'll work to rectify this, though it may be tough given that we're in kind of a dead zone with shows beginning to trickle back on with new episodes.
2. To Chris Parnell, for not being particularly favorable towards your work based on Saturday Night Live, which was based less on what you actually did and more on my general lack of interest in the show. Your work on 30 Rock and Miss Guided changes things quite a bit.
(On a related note, I did manage to catch two episodes of the latter show last week, and I thought it was pretty good. Certainly better than most of the sitcoms ABC threw at us this season, and more worthy of a shot at a full season in 2008-09, too. Then again, I also have kind of a thing for Judy Greer, so take that bias for what it's worth.)